Events | Central Ohio Model Railroad Club Events | Central Ohio Model Railroad Club

Latest Past Events

Ohio History Connection – Teardown

Ohio History Center 800 East 17th Avenue, Columbus

The Ohio History Center sets up a display each year that runs from mid-November until January. They have their own layout that is kept in storage; COMRC is responsible for tearing it down and putting it back in storage. Members:

Denig Removal

COMRC HQ 6471 Proprietors Rd, Worthington

Members only event. We will need volunteers to help retrieve the layout from Denig Jewelers and return it to the club.

PUBLIC: Worthington Family Night

Worthington Community Center 345 E WIlson Bridge Rd, Worthington

We will have our Thomas & Friends layout on display at the Worthington Community Center for a family night in December. Come join us!  MEMBERS: Click here for volunteer and signup information!